The purpose of this Challenge Project is to provide 40S Physics students with hands-on application of the principles and applications of projectile motion.
To construct a trebuchet capable of hurling its projectile further, and with more accuracy, than any other trebuchet in the class on two different levels:
Level 1 - Construct a trebuchet from lightweight materials, including cardboard, paper clips, glue, tape and string, capable of hurling a marble a distance of 10 metres.
Level 2 - Construct a trebuchet from heavy-dutymaterials, including wood, nails and screws, capable of
hurling a tennis ball up to 25 meters.
Related Links:
Paper Trebuchet Plans (PDF Document)Paper Trebuchet Plans (Web Site)
Global Spec Treb Challenge
Projectile Motion
Trebuchet Challenge Project ManualTrebuchet Challenge Team Participation Rubric